The Beginning Of New Life in IPTA

25th July



DATE : 25 JULY 2018

Im a newbee who is just continued studying in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Campus Jengka,Pahang.

After the Orentation’s week end. I and all the junior students started our first lesson for interim week about “Getting to Learn” that tells us how to setting our goal and manage our time in a university.

Goal Setting

Image result for smart method of goal setting

So our first day,our first lecture Miss NurSuria told that we can setting our goals by using SMART method.

S for specific in making decision.

M is to measure the ability ablut yourself in progress to complete your goal.

A is to see that you able achive or not about the goal you set up.

R refering that we have to be realistic in making our action to making our goal become true.

Then the “T” tell us about time based that we have to be use our time professionally because even 1 second we waste it, it can make a big result to our goal in the future.

That all that I learn for the first lesson in interim weeks.Soo life in University we have to change our mindset if we want to survive the new world before becoming a true adult.

Getting Ready to Learn

Image result for get ready to learn
Different Between School and University

Image result for difference between school and university


There are a few major about the different about life in school and collage academic.For examples:

*The time that we have to learn in the class in a day are to much different that we use to learn in school.

*In collage academic,we can freely bring gadget with us such as handphone to the class.

*Life in collage is to much independent. It up to ourself to get studying or not. There are no force from lectures to make us to struggle our study in here

*The assignment that were task to ask have to be completed before the deadline. The lecture does not remind twice about it to us. What important the assignment must to be done before the deadline.

*Lastly,the pointer not only be count by success in flying colour in final exam.The pointer are be count by finishing the assignment,success the quizs in classes,have a great in class presentation and always have carry mark.


source:Google Image,Miss Su’s Power point slideshows.


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My name is Muhammad Hafizuddin bin muhammad Faishal . I am a student who just started studying at UiTM PAHANG , CAMPUS JENGKA .  Now I am just being one of the students in Diploma in Science.My Code Program is AS120 . One of the most important purpose I’m doing this portfolio is to introduce the student about UED 102 Program or well known with soft skills . UED 102 provides students with learning skills essential for varsity life , which should be within each student .









    DATE : 25 JULY 2018

    Image result for get ready to learn
    Different Between School and University

    Image result for difference between school and university


    There are a few major about the different about life in school and collage academic.For examples:

    *The time that we have to learn in the class in a day are to much different that we use to learn in school.

    *In collage academic,we can freely bring gadget with us such as handphone to the class.

    *Life in collage is to much independent. It up to ourself to get studying or not. There are no force from lectures to make us to struggle our study in here

    *The assignment that were task to ask have to be completed before the deadline. The lecture does not remind twice about it to us. What important the assignment must to be done before the deadline.

    *Lastly,the pointer not only be count by success in flying colour in final exam.The pointer are be count by finishing the assignment,success the quizs in classes,have a great in class presentation and always have carry mark.


    Image result for smart method of goal setting

    So our first day,our first lecture Miss NurSuria told that each of us have gold to achive in this life.She said that we can setting back our goals by using SMART method.

    S for specific in making decision.

    M is to measure the ability ablut yourself in progress to complete your goal.

    A is to see that you able achive or not about the goal you set up.

    R refering that we have to be realistic in making our action to making our goal become true.

    Then the “T” tell us about time based that we have to be use our time professionally because even 1 second we waste it, it can make a big result to our goal in the future.

    That all that I learn for the first lesson in interim weeks.Soo life in University we have to change our mindset if we want to survive the new world before becoming a true adult.

    Time Management

    Image result for time management

    Time are valuable thing.Even we waste a second in our life, it can make a big impact to our process to reach our goals in the future. So for this day,we have been told to make a timetable and list down our activities about the next day and a pie chart of our own daily routine.

    My Time Management of 26th July in UiTM Jengka

    The story of 26th July of mine begin at 6.30 a.m. I and my roomates started our Subuh prey together in our room. After finished our pray,I get some sleep then until it was 7.30 O’clock. At 7.31 a.m.,I realised that I was overslept when all my roomates woke up me when they all had taken bath and were prepared for the program this morning.Without wasting anytime,I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick bath. I finish prepaired myself at 7.50 a.m. Then when the clock show 7.55, we headed to the Dewan Indra Segera for the 2nd program for the interim weeks.

    8.00 a.m., we all arrived to the main hall, soo the program started right after we had a sit in the hall. The program title named Program Career Profiling Next. The purpose of the program are to share information about the career that we can apply after finishing studying the course that we take in this university.The program were handled by the university counselling’s unit. The program told then student about the detail of counselling’s unit of this university, how to register the counselling 2 you account for the new students,career profling in the future and how to register the Career 4 Counselling account for the new student.The program took 4 hours to reach the end.

    Sharp 12.00 p.m., the 2nd program in interim weeks ended.I went to the cafe and have a lunch before returned to my room.At 12.50 p.m.,I started to go back to my room and get well prepair for Zuhur pray at 2.00p.m.After that I took a nap until the clock showed 3.30 p.m.At 3.31 p.m., I took a shower to refresh my body that had been worked for a single of morning this day. At 4.00 p.m, I prepair myself while waiting for Asar pray. 4.30 p.m,I have Asar pray with my roomate at our room. On 5.00 p.m., I have a jog with the students at the field until the clock showed 6.00 p.m. On 6.00 p.m., I took a meal before going to my room at 7.00 p.m.

    At 7.01 p.m., I started the 3rd shower to clean myself from the sweat that I got from jogging. After that, I washed my clothes while waiting for the Magrib come. At 7.40 p.m, I finished my Magrib prey at my room. Before having my dinner at 9 o’clock, I and my roomates having our last prey for today night. After finished having dinner at 9.30 p.m., I went to my room to finish my assignment until the clock show 10.45 o’clock. Then,before the 11.00 p.m. came, I was prepair myself to been devour by my own bed and get ready to wake up for my Subuh prey on the next day.

    Pie Chart of My Daily Routine

A pie chart have 360°,soo same as me, my routine also go round and round everyday in my life.Basically I spend 20 percent of the pie chart with eating and having snack in a day. 15 percent more I spend for sports and outdoor activities.And 40 percent I spend a major of values time with my lovely family.10 more percent I spending time for my lovely hobby,playing online games in my laptop.And lastly, the last 15 percent I spend for my studying and school stuffs before my routine in a day was going to end.




DATE : 1 AUGUST 2018

Its be 17 days we have been here to gain our knowledge before entering the real adult world.Today morning we will have a program.

For the first section on that morning.Our lecture,Sir Faris told us that, we have to know well about our Campus.

There are 2 Campus UiTM in Pahang:

1.Campus UiTM Jengka

2.Campus UiTM Raub

There are to many programs that offer to students who study in UiTM Pahang.

For Diploma,the programs are:

WhatsApp Image 2018-08-08 at 8.47.47 AM.jpeg

For Sarjana Muda,the programs are:

WhatsApp Image 2018-08-08 at 8.47.48 AM.jpeg

In UiTM Campus Jengka,there are 3 types of resources that the campus give to their students.The main purpose is to give the students feel comfortable and able to learn in the campus normally.

Type Of Resources

1.Academic Resources
2.Housing,Dining and Transportation Resources
3.Student Organization

Academic Resources

Image result for al bukhari uitm jengka
Al Bukhari

*Know as the main Library in UiTM Campus Jengka.

*Place where student can study,borrow books and using ICT.

Housing,Dining and Transportation Resources



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Kolej Mat Kilau (KMK)

*Place where male students live in the campus.

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Kolej Tok Gajah (KTG)

*Place where female student live in the campus.



Photo taken at Dewan Makan 1, Kompleks Siswi, UiTM Jengka by sabrina r. on 1/22/2017

Dewan Makan (DM)

*Place where the male students have their meals in the campus.

Photo taken at Medan Selera Tok Gajah by Shahirah M. on 12/5/2016
Medan Selera

*Place where the female students get their meals in the campus.



Image result for gambar bas  uitm

*Send Students to the main town if they want go outing.


Image result for gambar van  uitm
Van Koperasi

*Send Students to the main town if they want go outing.

Student Organization

Hal Ehwal Akademik (HEA)

*Place where students referring their academic problems in the campus.

Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP)

*Place where students referring their curriculum problems in the campus

Unit Counseling

*Place where students reffering their personal problem to the conseling units.


*Place that treat students who have health problem in the campus.



when the real class started, we have to know the information about our lectures that will teach us during the class. The information that we have to get from our lecture that will teach us are their name, their contact number,the thing that they will teach and the date when he or she will make quiz, test and deadline assignment that they told us to handup before the date come.

We also have been told to improve our time management by setting up our activity in calender during our day in university.For an example, after the lecture just finished his or her class, we have to ask him about the date that he will make quiz and test.After he or she have told ask the date, we have to set up the date on calender so we can be full prepaired a week or a month before the quiz or the test begin..


Next,we have been explained a topic that named ‘Memory vs Brain’ by our next lecture,Miss Infaza.So in this topic we have been explain about the different about memory that basically founded in our gadgets such as smartphone and laptop,and the brain that we all know as our main organ inside our head.The different that she told us are:


1.Memory refers to the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information.
2.Ability to store information.

3.basically founded in moden gadgets that keep information such as laptop and smartphone.


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1.An complete organ that control a major of percentage of humans activities such as thinking,making decision,reseptor transfermation to our limb, and much more.

2.Placed in our head inside the skull.
3.An organ that can keep many information from what we have experince and learn during our life inside in the world.

Our lecture told us about how to improve our memory.There are 3 types of memory that we naturely we use without realising.There are called:

The Short Term of Memory

*The time to remind the events is lace long for a moment.
*Not important to be remembered
*A memory that disappear without realising

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The Sensory Memory

*The time to remind is depend on how big or small it effect in our live.
*A memory that we achive from all kind of sensory that we have such touching,smelling,listening,tasting,looking and experince in our live.
*A memory that can be important if it can make a big effect in our live if we use to forget.
Image result for The Sensory Memory

The Long Term Memory

*The time to remind the events can be lace long forever.

*Really can be important to be remembered in live.
*A memory that can be the best or the worst in our live when started to remember it.
*A memory that can be really hard to forget in our live.

Image result for The Long Term Memory

Then we also been explain about the reason why do we can remember and forget things in our life.

Image result for forget things
The Reasons Why we forget things in our life because:



3.Time Factor


*Distraction like unpleasure sound or environment will make us hard to us remember something that we have to be remembered.

*For example,study with noisy sound in a class will distrub our focus to recapture the things that the lecture teach in the classes.


*Focus is ability to give 100 percent attention to a things that we see, hear or remembering somethings.

*It can be lessfull if we do many actions in one
*For example,eating while the lecture are teaching will decrease our focus on the main points that he or she lecturing in the class.

Time Factor

*When a human gain old. Their ability to rememorize become slowly decrease.

*An old geezer and a adult are simple example to explain the time factor fact about why someone easily to forget something.Their ability to rememorize an events are to far to be compared.An old geezer even cannot rememorize 80 percent about the event that happen just yesterday. For an adult, their ability to rememorize the events that happen just yesterday are 4 times better than the old geezer.


However,there are sollution how we can improve our skill to remember more effective by:




*An action that go loop round and round again.
*Writing a same sentence about 20 times is a such simple example for repetition action
*Can improve our ability to rememorize about thing such as fact like history fact and math formula.


*An action that improve our quality of works and ability to rememorize effectively.Basically,the process to conquer a hard subjects in the class.
*Same as repetition but the begin more hard and harder when allready mastered the easy level.

Our miss Infaza also told us how can we our strategy in learning.

The strategies are Elaboration and Mnemonics.


There are 2 types of elaboration:


*A sentences or name that can be remember by rememorize it first alphabet in each word

MAS=Malaysia Airline System
UiTM=Universiti Teknologi MARA


*Acronyms that be combine in a sentences to make somethings easier and fun to remember.

Carnivores=animals eater
Herbivores=plants eater
Omnivores=animals and plants eater
Decomposes=eat decayibg organisms
*Make a word with the first alphabet in each word and combine it to a fun sentences.
“Can Henry Omit Dents”


*Its a tricks to make our memory easily remember something difficult.

*Make it funny and fun when using it.

Bad Man Has a Job
(B-Biru) (M-Merah) (H-Hijau) (J-Jingga)


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We also have been explain the function of SQ3R that can help us to improve our learning memory and concertration.


*Make a survey to get all imagine that you can image about a topic that you will be read soon.

*Topic,Subtopic,Introduction of the topic,graf,cart,picture, or the summary of the topic.


*Build questions in your mind while reading to make your mind always searching for the answers.



*Read each paragraph to find the information that contained in the paragraph.

*Then, find a suitable answers for the questions that you had made.It can help students be more concertrate while reading.


*Rephrase each paragraph,make it simple but full of details and informations.

*Make a note or try to remember a several things that you just read.
*Remember and rememorize the main points
*The skill to remember something that you learn in a subject become increase if you train your mindset with exercises and extra studies in your life.


*Make a Revision about what you had learn

*Study again the note that you have made and make sure you you allready remember the point that you memorize
*Try to rememorize again the questions that you have made and try to answer it once again.If you cannot remember it, try to rememorize it again and again until you can remember it well.
*Simple note can be clearly to make your mind to rememorize all things that you have to remember for a long time.

Soo the SQ3R lead us to the end of the program for today morning. So a grateful thanks to our lectures on that day because sacrifice their time to share with us the important things that we have to do in this campus when the real classes started on next month.




DATE : 8 AUGUST 2018

 Soo this is the last week in for UED 102 lesson.Our lecture,Sir Faris explain us how to taking lecture notes effectively when the we enter the classes next month.

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What is note taking?

*Taking note is writting down idea from it origin sources and reading in our own words.

Why is note taking?
Image result for why  note taking

Why Review Notes?

Image result for question mark

*We loss 80% what we hear in class in few hour.

*With making notes we can refresh our memory to memorize the important things that our lecture teach in the classes in the past.

Why Recapture Notes?

*Its better than re-copying note

What Material do We Need To Take Notes?


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*Pencil or Pen to writing.
*Papers or Books to write note down.

How to Improve You Mood to Take Lecture Notes?


Sit near to the lecture/ the front of the class

-Have better vision and hearing

-Can avoid distraction like noisy sound that made by the students in the class.

How do We Take Notes?

Image result for How do We Take Notes?

-Write down the date and label the subject for the notes.
-Give ourselves a big space to write down the notes.
-Use an outline to show the:

*Main Idea

-And the most important,use you own language an word to make you easily understand what the point that you wrote down in your notes.

While Taking Notes

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Be a good and an active listener.

-To get the attention from your lecture that you are inters to learn what he or she teaching in the class.

Observe the mood lecture

_If the lecture’s mood are in good, you can normally ask a question without being scare to the lecture if you does not understand what he or she teaching about in the class.

-If the lecture’s are bad mood in the class, you have to pay attention and prevent than making thing that will make him or her become anger and distress while teaching.

Types Of Notes

There are types of note that u can make to make it easier to understand and memorize things that you write down.

Cornell Note Taking

Image result for cornell note taking

Outlining Note

Taking Notes Note Outline Template Debit Sample

Mapping Method

Image result for mapping note


Before we entering the Gpa Worksheet section.Our lecture,Miss Suria told us about PLAGIARISM when making our assignment.

Image result for PLAGIARISM


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*PLAGIARISM is copying someone idea or work 100% without changing every sentences and word in it.

will make the owner of the origin idea have it right to punish those who copying 100% of their works directly.



There are many ways to prevent PLAGIARISM from happening while doing assignement in the campus.


Image result for paraphrasing

Express the meaning of (the writer or the speaker or something written or spoken) using different words without changing it meaning, especially achieve greater clarity.


Image result for referencing

*Provide a book or a article with citation of authorities.
*Create your own sentences or word base the ideal that you read from the book or the article.

And after the explaination of the PLAGIARISM end. We enter the Gpa Worksheet.






Image result for ICGPA


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How to Calculate Your Icgpa And Gpa

A=4 , B=3 , C=2 , D=1 , F=0


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The total credit value registered and attempted in                                                            =   the assessment of a semester.                                                                                                      The total credit units acquired in the same semester


The total credit value registered and attempted in the assessments of a                  = semester                                                                                                                                            The total unit acquired in all semester

Image result for calculate amelia ameer cgpa

Image result for ACADEMIC STATUS D1 uitm



  • Lecture Course – recognizing student arrival problems.
  • KPP – take and note to the student.
    *Academic Advisor – monitoring all the student that have problem with their academic.

So this is the end of my UED 102 lesson for this 4 weeks here in UiTM Campus Jengka.Goodluck to all junior for this year and hope you all can make your parent proud with you in the future.

Image result for graduation

Sources of references:Google Image,Google,Lectures slideshow, translate,

Application recommend:Wordpress



Getting To Know The Campus,Memory Learning,Improving Concertration





Its be 17 days we have been here to gain our knowledge before entering the real adult world.Today morning we will have a program.

For the first section on that morning.Our lecture,Sir Faris told us that, we have to know well about our Campus.

There are 2 Campus UiTM in Pahang:

1.Campus UiTM Jengka

2.Campus UiTM Raub

when the real class started, we have to know the information about our lectures that will teach us during the class. The information that we have to get from our lecture that will teach us are their name, their contact number,the thing that they will teach and the date when he or she will make quiz, test and deadline assignment that they told us to handup before the date come.

We also have been told to improve our time management by setting up our activity in calender during our day in university.For an example, after the lecture just finished his or her class, we have to ask him about the date that he will make quiz and test.After he or she have told ask the date, we have to set up the date on calender so we can be full prepaired a week or a month before the quiz or the test begin..

Next,we have been explained a topic that named ‘Memory vs Brain’ by our next lecture,Miss Infaza.So in this topic we have been explain about the different about memory that basically founded in our gadgets such as smartphone and laptop,and the brain that we all know as our main organ inside our head.The different that she told us are:
1.Memory refers to the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information.
2.Ability to store information.

3.basically founded in moden gadgets that keep information such as laptop and smartphone.


1.An complete organ that control a major of percentage of humans activities such as thinking,making decision,reseptor transfermation to our limb, and much more.
2.Placed in our head inside the skull.
3.An organ that can keep many information from what we have experince and learn during our life inside in the world.

Our lecture told us about how to improve our memory.There are 3 types of memory that we naturely we use without realising.There are called:

The Short Term of Memory
*The time to remind the events is lace long for a moment.
*Not important to be remembered
*A memory that disappear without realising
The Sensory Memory
*The time to remind is depend on how big or small it effect in our live.
*A memory that we achive from all kind of sensory that we have such touching,smelling,listening,tasting,looking and experince in our live.
*A memory that can be important if it can make a big effect in our live if we use to forget.

The Long Term Memory

*The time to remind the events can be lace long forever.
*Really can be important to be remembered in live.
*A memory that can be the best or the worst in our live when started to remember it.
*A memory that can be really hard to forget in our live.

Then we also been explain about the reason why do we can remember and forget things in our life.

The Reasons Why we forget things in our life because:
3.Time Factor


*Distraction like unpleasure sound or environment will make us hard to us remember something that we have to be remembered.
*For example,study with noisy sound in a class will distrub our focus to recapture the things that the lecture teach in the classes.
*Focus is ability to give 100 percent attention to a things that we see, hear or remembering somethings.
*It can be lessfull if we do many actions in one
*For example,eating while the lecture are teaching will decrease our focus on the main points that he or she lecturing in the class.
Time Factor
*When a human gain old. Their ability to rememorize become slowly decrease.
*An old geezer and a adult are simple example to explain the time factor fact about why someone easily to forget something.Their ability to rememorize an events are to far to be compared.An old geezer even cannot rememorize 80 percent about the event that happen just yesterday. For an adult, their ability to rememorize the events that happen just yesterday are 4 times better than the old geezer.

However,there are sollution how we can improve our skill to remember more effective by:

*An action that go loop round and round again.
*Writing a same sentence about 20 times is a such simple example for repetition action
*Can improve our ability to rememorize about thing such as fact like history fact and math formula.

*An action that improve our quality of works and ability to rememorize effectively.Basically,the process to conquer a hard subjects in the class.
*Same as repetition but the begin more hard and harder when allready mastered the easy level.

Our miss Infaza also told us how can we our strategy in learning.

The strategies are Elaboration and Mnemonics.

There are 2 types of elaboration:
*A sentences or name that can be remember by rememorize it first alphabet in each word
MAS=Malaysia Airline System
UiTM=Universiti Teknologi MARA
*Acronyms that be combine in a sentences to make somethings easier and fun to remember.
Carnivores=animals eater
Herbivores=plants eater
Omnivores=animals and plants eater
Decomposes=eat decayibg organisms
*Make a word with the first alphabet in each word and combine it to a fun sentences.
“Can Henry Omit Dents”

*Its a tricks to make our memory easily remember something difficult.

*Make it funny and fun when using it.

Bad Man Has a Job
(B-Biru) (M-Merah) (H-Hijau) (J-Jingga)

We also have been explain the function of SQ3R that can help us to improve our learning memory and concertration.
*Make a survey to get all imagine that you can image about a topic that you will be read soon.
*Topic,Subtopic,Introduction of the topic,graf,cart,picture, or the summary of the topic.
*Build questions in your mind while reading to make your mind always searching for the answers.
*Read each paragraph to find the information that contained in the paragraph.
*Then, find a suitable answers for the questions that you had made.It can help students be more concertrate while reading.
*Rephrase each paragraph,make it simple but full of details and informations.
*Make a note or try to remember a several things that you just read.
*Remember and rememorize the main points
*The skill to remember something that you learn in a subject become increase if you train your mindset with exercises and extra studies in your life.
*Make a Revision about what you had learn
*Study again the note that you have made and make sure you you allready remember the point that you memorize
*Try to rememorize again the questions that you have made and try to answer it once again.If you cannot remember it, try to rememorize it again and again until you can remember it well.
*Simple note can be clearly to make your mind to rememorize all things that you have to remember for a long time.

Soo the SQ3R lead us to the end of the program for today morning. So a grateful thanks to our lectures on that day because sacrifice their time to share with us the important things that we have to do in this campus when the real classes started on next month.

Pie Chart of My Daily Routine

30th July

A pie chart have 360°,soo same as me, my routine also go round and round everyday in my life.Basically I spend 20 percent of the pie chart with eating and having snack in a day. 15 percent more I spend for sports and outdoor activities.And 40 percent I spend a major of values time with my lovely family.10 more percent I spending time for my lovely hobby,playing online games in my laptop.And lastly, the last 15 percent I spend for my studying and school stuffs before my routine in a day was going to end.

My Time Management of 26th July in UiTM Jengka

26th July

The story of 26th July of mine begin at 6.30 a.m. I and my roomates started our Subuh prey together in our room. After finished our pray,I get some sleep then until it was 7.30 O’clock. At 7.31 a.m.,I realised that I was overslept when all my roomates woke up me when they all had taken bath and were prepared for the program this morning.Without wasting anytime,I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick bath. I finish prepaired myself at 7.50 a.m. Then when the clock show 7.55, we headed to the Dewan Indra Segera for the 2nd program for the interim weeks.

8.00 a.m., we all arrived to the main hall, soo the program started right after we had a sit in the hall. The program title named Program Career Profiling Next. The purpose of the program are to share information about the career that we can apply after finishing studying the course that we take in this university.The program were handled by the university counselling’s unit. The program told then student about the detail of counselling’s unit of this university, how to register the counselling 2 you account for the new students,career profling in the future and how to register the Career 4 Counselling account for the new student.The program took 4 hours to reach the end.

Sharp 12.00 p.m., the 2nd program in interim weeks ended.I went to the cafe and have a lunch before returned to my room.At 12.50 p.m.,I started to go back to my room and get well prepair for Zuhur pray at 2.00p.m.After that I took a nap until the clock showed 3.30 p.m.At 3.31 p.m., I took a shower to refresh my body that had been worked for a single of morning this day. At 4.00 p.m, I prepair myself while waiting for Asar pray. 4.30 p.m,I have Asar pray with my roomate at our room. On 5.00 p.m., I have a jog with the students at the field until the clock showed 6.00 p.m. On 6.00 p.m., I took a meal before going to my room at 7.00 p.m.

At 7.01 p.m., I started the 3rd shower to clean myself from the sweat that I got from jogging. After that, I washed my clothes while waiting for the Magrib come. At 7.40 p.m, I finished my Magrib prey at my room. Before having my dinner at 9 o’clock, I and my roomates having our last prey for today night. After finished having dinner at 9.30 p.m., I went to my room to finish my assignment until the clock show 10.45 o’clock. Then,before the 11.00 p.m. came, I was prepair myself to been devour by my own bed and get ready to wake up for my Subuh prey on the next day.