My Time Management of 26th July in UiTM Jengka

26th July

The story of 26th July of mine begin at 6.30 a.m. I and my roomates started our Subuh prey together in our room. After finished our pray,I get some sleep then until it was 7.30 O’clock. At 7.31 a.m.,I realised that I was overslept when all my roomates woke up me when they all had taken bath and were prepared for the program this morning.Without wasting anytime,I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick bath. I finish prepaired myself at 7.50 a.m. Then when the clock show 7.55, we headed to the Dewan Indra Segera for the 2nd program for the interim weeks.

8.00 a.m., we all arrived to the main hall, soo the program started right after we had a sit in the hall. The program title named Program Career Profiling Next. The purpose of the program are to share information about the career that we can apply after finishing studying the course that we take in this university.The program were handled by the university counselling’s unit. The program told then student about the detail of counselling’s unit of this university, how to register the counselling 2 you account for the new students,career profling in the future and how to register the Career 4 Counselling account for the new student.The program took 4 hours to reach the end.

Sharp 12.00 p.m., the 2nd program in interim weeks ended.I went to the cafe and have a lunch before returned to my room.At 12.50 p.m.,I started to go back to my room and get well prepair for Zuhur pray at 2.00p.m.After that I took a nap until the clock showed 3.30 p.m.At 3.31 p.m., I took a shower to refresh my body that had been worked for a single of morning this day. At 4.00 p.m, I prepair myself while waiting for Asar pray. 4.30 p.m,I have Asar pray with my roomate at our room. On 5.00 p.m., I have a jog with the students at the field until the clock showed 6.00 p.m. On 6.00 p.m., I took a meal before going to my room at 7.00 p.m.

At 7.01 p.m., I started the 3rd shower to clean myself from the sweat that I got from jogging. After that, I washed my clothes while waiting for the Magrib come. At 7.40 p.m, I finished my Magrib prey at my room. Before having my dinner at 9 o’clock, I and my roomates having our last prey for today night. After finished having dinner at 9.30 p.m., I went to my room to finish my assignment until the clock show 10.45 o’clock. Then,before the 11.00 p.m. came, I was prepair myself to been devour by my own bed and get ready to wake up for my Subuh prey on the next day.

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